ProFACT Proteomics has developed a functional proteomics separations and enrichment platform that preserves biological integrity. Using these new tools, proteomic profiles can be derived from naturally sourced disease tissue or cellular models, and post-HTS & fragment compounds can be characterized to help refine lead candidate selection, discover novel biomarkers and provide additional mechanistic insight into suitable disease indications.
Functional proteomics differs from conventional proteomics as it relies in part, on the functional or structural features of intact, non-denatured proteins. As such, we envision that these functional annotation methods will complement conventional sequence annotation while addressing the problems of drug promiscuity and the subtleties of protein attributes when the same or similar underlying sequence can have multiple conformations and functions, and when different sequences sometime perform the same or similar function.
As a way to begin sifting through these biological complexities, efficient methods to characterize protein function and corresponding modulation are now possible. Starting with the enrichment of prospective functional biomarkers in localized subproteomes, we suggest that structural and sequence relationships can be determined. No other proteomics platform provides such a functional approach with the potential to provide new and useful service to biomarker discovery and personalized medicine.
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Learn how your research will benefit if you:
Want to enrich low abundance proteins »
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Want functional characterization of closely related proteins and variants »
Want to profile drug response from natural sources »
SeraFILE PROspector -
A New Functional Proteomics Separations and Enrichment Kit
This kit is a subset of the full SeraFILE™ platform and includes 6 different surface features which can dfferentially compartmentalize proteins under very mild bind and elution conditions, maintaining the the functional features of the proteins within each of the 12 derivative subproteomes.
� Copyright 2008 ProFACT Proteomics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ProFACT Proteomics, Inc, 1 Deer Park Drive, Suite P, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey, 08852 info@profactproteomics.com
About Profact
Description: ProFACT Proteomics, Inc. is an early-stage corporation founded in November 2004. The Company applies SeraFILE™ - its proprietary Functional Proteomics technology, to accelerate development of therapeutics and diagnostics, principally for cancer. ProFACT has a core executive team in place, scientific advisors, three pending patents and one licensed patent. Funding has come from four New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology (NJCST) grants, the US Therapeutic Tax Credit and internal sources. Service revenues from BioPharma and institutional clients have commenced.
SeraFileThe ProFACT team is highly experienced in developing and commercializing surface chemistries for biomolecule separations and sample preparation. Most of these chemistries have been adapted to consumable research products in partnership with Biotech Support Group LLC. Most notable are: Cleanascite™ for lipid adsorption, AlbuSorb™ & AlbuVoid™ for Albumin depletion, and HemogloBind™ & HemoVoid™ for Hemoglobin removal. These products have referenced in well over 100 technical journals with the largest commercial success being the incorporation of ProCipitate™ protocols into the Human Genome Sequencing Project. This separations experience in now being used in the development and application of a new surface library -SeraFILE™ for the subfractionation of proteomes into sub-proteomes with reduced complexity and functional characteristics retained for interrogations, producing a characterisitic profile of the sample.
Key Competitive Advantage: The SeraFILE™ deliverable is functional proteomic data, alone or adjunctive to conventional proteomic data. It has immediate value in the discovery, early validation and assay development of biomarkers. Furthermore, as significant conformational events accompany the binding of drugs, the need to generate molecular profiles that characterize the function of one or more gene products working coorperatively is a paramount consideration in drug development. As a result, ProFACT is uniquely positioned to build the bridge from proteomics data to drug discovery, drug repositioning, mechanism of action and personalized medicine.
Business Model: The company pursues a hybrid business model combining revenues from services with a risk capital investment plan. This will allow ProFACT to grow its biomarker and drug target intellectual property portfolio. The company evaluates in-licensing and out-licensing potential opportunistically and welcomes inquires in this regard. The Collaborations link on left describes several mechanisms to access technology.
Sample Preparation
ProFACT Proteomics and Biotech Support Group are in partnership to supply unique sample preparation and enrichment products into the systems biology research community. Please visit www.biotechsupportgroup.com for detailed product information and ordering.
© Copyright 2008 ProFACT Proteomics, Inc.
DiscoverPrep™ | ProPrep™
Services | SeraFILE™ | Rational Genome to Proteome Prospecting™
SeraFILE™ | Rational Proteome Prospecting™ | Conformerics™ | Rational Genome to Proteome Prospecting™
Rational Proteome Prospecting™
Rational Genome to Proteome Prospecting™
ProFACT offers a comprehensive suite of molecular profiling technologies readily integrated with other "omics" data for biomarker and drug target discovery. These include: SeraFILE™, for reduction of protein complexity and sub-proteome creation; Rational Proteome Prospecting™, to enrich and isolate functional activity; Conformerics™, to generate drug screening assays based on enzyme sub-states or conformers; and Rational Genome to Proteome Prospecting™, for prospecting into protein expression based on gene expression data.
In addition to the information contained on this website, these application specific documents can be downloaded by clicking the title:
Molecular Profiling With SeraFILE™
Poster Publication Prepared for Nature Methods, February 2008.
Abstract: The high throughput SeraFILE™ protocol generates biologically active sub-proteome pools with a lesser degree of complexity than the parent protein sample. Thus, dissecting the proteome prior to downstream analyses allows researchers to profile and study proteins in new ways. ProFACT's SeraFILE™ surface library affords high-resolution partitioning of complex protein extracts into differential sub-proteomes that can be further characterized using a variety of downstream applications.
Collectively, SeraFILE™-derived protein profiles offer a more comprehensive signature of the starting sample. SeraFILE™ can fractionate proteins and thus signatures may reveal discrete differences in low abundance proteins across samples. It is important to note that no high abundance proteins are removed from the sample prior to fractionation; they are distributed across sub-proteomes. Therefore, SeraFILE™ facilitates detection of disease-specific differences in clinical proteomics applications.
Reproducibility Of SeraFILE™ Derived Functional Proteomic Profiles
Prepared as an Application Report, April 2007.
Abstract: As sample heterogeneity causes normalization problems when characterizing across multiple samples, we describe here a validation of SeraFILE™ derived profile reproducibility within a broad protein variance window. In serum studies, it was experimentally determined that the amount of total protein can vary by up to 4X, while enzymatic activity profile patterns are consistently observed. This may be useful in tumor studies for example, where relative differences can still be interpreted, despite any disparities in the starting total tissue weight and/or total protein analyzed.
In addition, since protein and enzymatic activity profiles are reproducible over a range of protein application concentrations, the profiles may be used as predictors of sub-proteomes containing the highest enrichment of functional activities. Such predictive information may be useful for further prospecting and purification.
Functional Proteomic Signatures Of The Ubiquitin / Proteasome Pathway
Prepared as an Application Report, March 2007.
This report presents preliminary findings on the application of ProFACT's surface library - SeraFILE™, to the functional proteomic characterization of an important cellular pathway, the Ubiquitin/ Proteasome pathway (UPP). The results show:
Markedly contrasted signatures of matched cancer to normal adjacent tissue,
Differential pools of Proteasome regions and regulatory factors,
Altered catalytic rates, both higher and lower, on several different surfaces,
Evidence of conformational variants resistant to small molecule inhibitors,
Evidence of soluble regulatory factors that potentially could be isolated.
© Copyright 2008 ProFACT Proteomics, Inc.
NRicher™ Kits
Enrich low abundance & family-specific proteomes
Eluates for functional, enzymatic or immunoassay analysis
On-Bead digestion for LC-MS
NRicher™ Mx
NRicher™ Apo
NRicher™ Ig
NRicher™ C
Albumin & IgG Removal Kits
Unique surface chemistries
Depletes Albumin 90-95%
Species agnostic
AlbuSorb PLUS
AlbuSorb™ LS
Hemoglobin Removal Kits
Unique surface chemistries
Depletes Hemoglobin 90-95%
Species agnostic
HemoVoid™ LC-MS On-Bead
Lipid Removal & Clarification
Extensively cited
Replaces hazardous hydrocarbons
Diverse samples
Sample Prep - Proteomic Liquid Biopsy
Synovial Fluid
Specific Enrichment - Multiple Applications
Viruses and viral components
NuGel™ PBA
Sample Prep Mass Spectrometry
Proteome Enrichment
Not based on immuno-affinity
Bead Assisted Sample Prep (BASP™)
AlbuVoid™ LC-MS On-Bead
HemoVoid™ LC-MS On-Bead
Genomic Sample Prep
Substitute to Phenol/Chloroform
Microbial sample prep
AlbuVoid Binding Buffer AVBB™
Corning® Spin-X Filter Tube
HemoVoid Buffer Kit™
50,000+ Labs run Profact to purify their samples.
ProFACT News
New Chemical Proteomics Methods Poster Report at US HUPO
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SeraFILE� reported in International Journal of Proteomics article
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Protein Enrichment Webinar Series
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ProFACT and Gyrasol collaborate on functional proteomics tools
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Join ProFACT at the BioNJ Diagnostics & Personalized Medicine Summit
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ProFACT to Present at Online Conference Mining For Cancer Biomarkers
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HemoVoid� utility cited in red blood cell journal article
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WEBINAR Sept 20, 2011 SeraFILE PROspector
Sign up for a free webinar, Tuesday September 20, 10-11 AM US Eastern Standard Time
This webinar will discuss how to employ SeraFILE PROspector� for use in differential proteomics and molecular profile characterization to discrminate parent proteome content at the functional conformation level, to evaluate drug responsiveness, and for drug target and functional biomarker discovery. ......Full Story
RECORDED WEBINAR: Proteomics Innovation Network
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New Product Release: SeraFILE PROspector for functional proteomics separations and enrichment
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Proteomics Innovation Network of Service and Product Providers Formed
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New Proteomic Sample Prep Product to Enrich Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases
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New Proteomic Sample Prep Product For Kinase Enrichment
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ACHIVED WEBINAR: Functional Proteomic Profiling of Phosphodiesterases and Kinases
In this webinar, ProFACT describes advances in its proprietary functional proteomics platform � SeraFILE�, and related Conformerics� prospecting strategies, for the purposes of: 1) proteomic analyses for broadly relating and characterizing the kinetics of enzyme variants responsible for the disease phenotype, and 2) proteomic analyses to assess drug responsiveness based on enzyme kinetics from heterogeneous mixtures such as from cell lines and tissue homogenates. ......Full Story
ProFACT Received Therapeutic Discovery Project (QTDP) Grant
Monmouth Junction, NJ, October 29, 2010: ProFACT Proteomics, Inc. of Monmouth Junction, NJ is the recipient of a Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project (QTDP) Grant from the US Department of the Treasury for its project SeraFILE�: Conformational Variants (Conformers) for Drug and Biomarker Discovery. ......Full Story
Conformational Variant Profiling and Drug Discovery Strategies
Sign Up to listen to a recorded webinar on Conformational Variant Profiling and Drug Discovery Strategies ......Full Story
Sign Up to listen to a recorded webinar about new strategies to reconcile gene expression data to their corresponding proteins
Sign Up to listen to a recorded webinar about new strategies to reconcile gene expression data to their corresponding proteins ......Full Story
MGL Americas, Inc. and ProFACT Proteomics, Inc. Collaborate on Biomarker Discovery
Monmouth Junction, NJ, April 23, 2010: MGL Americas, Inc., New York, NY and ProFACT Proteomics, Inc., Monmouth Junction, NJ signed a Memorandum Of Understanding to contribute their technologies to provide solutions to industry-critical problems in Biomarker Discovery. ......Full Story
Proteomic Sample Prep Research Article Citation
ProFACT Proteomics and its partner in research consumables, Biotech Support Group LLC, report on a recent research article which describes the simplicity and efficiency of their proteomic sample preparation technology. ......Full Story
Sign up to learn about SeraFile Proteomic connections to function, small molecule modulation, and gene expression
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ProFACT Proteomics, Inc. Awarded the New Jersey Commission On Science and Technology Post-Doctoral Fellowship Grant
Monmouth Junction, NJ, November 4, 2009: The New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology recently awarded a Post-Doctoral Fellowship Grant to Amita Oka, Ph.D. in Microbiology from Rutgers University, to work with ProFACT Proteomics, Inc. The grant will fund Dr. Oka�s cross-disciplinary research in Microbiology and Proteomics. ......Full Story
ProFACT Proteomics Named Winner in Business Plan Contest
ProFACT Proteomics Inc, was chosen as one of the top fifty emerging companies, in the Funding Post�s annual Pitching Across America� competition. ......Full Story
ProFACT Proteomics, Inc. Awarded New Jersey Incubator Seed Fund Grant
North Brunswick, NJ, July 23, 2008: ProFACT Proteomics, Inc. is to be awarded an Incubator Seed Fund Grant as announced by the New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology on June 24, 2008. The funds will support development and filing of up to six new patents enhancing its platform tools in drug target and biomarker discovery. ......Full Story
ProFACT Proteomics, Inc. Awarded New Jersey Incubator Seed Fund Grant
ProFACT Proteomics, Inc. Awarded New Jersey Incubator Seed Fund Grant. North Brunswick, NJ, July 24, 2008:
The New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology announced that ProFACT Proteomics, Inc. is a recipient of a 2008 Incubator Seed Fund Grant. ......Full Story
ProFACT introduces its proprietary platform SeraFILE, for the reduction of protein complexity, and sub-proteome creation.
ProFACT introduces its proprietary platform SeraFILE, for the reduction of protein complexity, and sub-proteome creation